Peace Amidst Chaos

Knowing this, I am convinced that I will remain alive so I can continue to help all of you grow and experience the joy of your faith.” Philippians 1:25 NLT

I was reading Philippians today and God impressed this verse on my heart. Paul is speaking to the Philippian church. And when I read the above verse I wondered why Paul wrote the letter.

He wrote the letter for four main reasons.

1. Paul wanted to thank the Philippians for supporting him.

2. The Philippians heard Epaphroditus was very sick.

3. Paul wanted to maintain his relationship with the Philippians.

4. Paul couldn’t visit them in person.

Also, Philippians is a letter about peace and joy. Writing from prison, Paul describes the joys of following Christ and persevering for the gospel, and the secret to being content in any situation. We know from the letter that the Philippians were facing a lot of hardship (and Paul wasn’t exactly living the high life himself).

What jumped out to me was Paul’s selfless concern for the church growing in their faith and remembering to be full of joy and peace, all the while he’s in jail facing death.

Talk about a man’s calling in life.

It made me think about why I think about and write these blog posts.

I’m not an apostle, deacon or elder, and I have never been jailed for the gospel, but I love people and am driven to think about ways to help people deepen and grow in their faith.

What drives you? What wakes you up at night? What is that one thing that you can’t stop thinking about?

Consider the Gospel! The gospel good news is a worthy cause to fight for. To know that Jesus came to earth for one reason, to die for our sin so that we might have life, life eternal is such an amazing gift. A free gift. All we have to do is believe.

Makes me a thankful man that my sins are forgiven. Just thinking about God’s gift of grace and life eternal puts everything in perspective.

Brings me joy and peace as I sit in a doctors office writing this waiting to see a customer, and this boy is screaming at the top of his lungs! Poor kiddo.

As this kiddo and I were both losing our minds amidst the chaos, I could feel my anxiety level rise, so God told me to open the book of Philippians. And sure enough God had a gift for me, and a thought to share with you, to encourage you to press on in your joy and peace through Christ amidst the chaos of this 21st century!

Daily walking with God and listening to Him point my heart to Philippians when things got chaotic is a small picture of walking and abiding in the vine. God is such an amazing God and Father!

Pointing you to the Gospel of grace and peace and strengthening hearts in Christ,
