
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 NIV

“But it will take God’s help for us to find and live the life we were created to live.” Gary Barkelow

Adventure, desire, calling, discovering the life we were created to live.

What do these words well up in your heart?

I have a good buddy I mentioned a few posts ago, who just yesterday moved to Wyoming! They arrived last night.

The other day we were dreaming about some adventures to go on together and he asked me what my passions were. I said God, my family and my back yard landscaping! He said those don’t count. I rolled my eyes.

When he said, those don’t count, I felt my heart begin to come alive. I decided to take an inventory! The inventory didn’t take long and I made a list. I made a wish list. If the sky was the limit, what hobbies would make the list? Golf, biking, hiking and snow skiing topped my list.

As I stepped away from my main passion and desire, running a retreat and discipleship ministry through my church, and when Covid hit last year, I kind of became a hermit. I would work and just come home and chill.

And my heart slowly weakened. So when he asked me about my hobbies something in my heart began to come alive again!

So, I dusted off my golf clubs and called a few buddies and hit the links! We had a blast!

My golf clubs are over a decade old so I made an appointment with my local golf shop to get a club fitting. I’ve never had a fitting, and decided why the heck not? I love golf and it’s time to get after it. Now, I can’t wait to see what their analysis brings to help me chase that great pure shot that will keep me coming back for more!

The other passion I’ve had is biking. I used to race BMX as a kid and love riding my bike. And my buddy in Wyoming now lives just 15 minutes from some of the best mountain biking trails in the country.

So we are scheduling a weekend trip late summer to go trail riding! Adventure makes the heart come alive!

Rediscovering our passions and the life we were made to live inspires my soul! Again, the anticipation of scheduling these events and taking action on doing the things I love is medicine to my heart!

Now what I’m talking about here are hobbies. Golfing and biking are not my ministry or my calling. However, both activities are shared activities with good friends and will create lasting stories of adventure as we do them together. Proverbs says, “As Iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another!” I’m sure our walks with God will come up in conversation as we prove again to ourselves, we have what it takes in the mountains of Colorado! And chasing that 250 yard tee shot! Come on, I can dream!

As our adventures are shared together the fellowship that will be shared and the deepening friendships will do my heart good, and theirs too!

Are you like me, have you given up on some of your passions and activities that make your heart come alive? Dust off your clubs, take your bike in for a tune up and schedule some adventures this year. Or do what I did and spend some time with God dreaming about what new adventures to go on this year.

Your heart will come alive and thank you for it! Discovering the life we were made to live really does strengthen our hearts in Christ!

My drive off the tee box needs some strengthening. I remain hopeful!
