I had lunch with a friend a few weeks ago. And before we left for lunch, we stopped and talked to a guy who heads up our local CBMC ministry. He told me about a new ministry they have been doing.

They ask a SAGE, a man who is successful, action oriented, God fearing and who is an executive or entrepreneur to speak to a group of young professionals.

During the talk the guest is asked to give his testimony, then give his bio, talk about his career then list the five things he would tell himself 30 years ago!

I thought this was fantastic!

So here are the five things I would tell myself 30 years ago!

1. Study the heart and know my inner world better and deeper as a young man. Take spiritual warfare more serious and fight against the false accusations.

2. I would have spent more time on my calling and seeking God around how He made me and why He made me. And I would find a career that uses my calling. Or at least try to.

3. I would have joined the military and served our country. I think the teamwork and discipline would have done my heart good. And I love the USA and the freedoms we enjoy and would have been proud to serve!

4. I would start saving earlier, so if I didn’t find my calling early on, I’d have enough saved to retire early and pursue my calling.

5. I would train myself to not make it a habit to worry and stress about things. God and eternity is what matters. We are strangers in this world and earth is a temporary home.

6. I would have told myself to not take that UPS job, even though lots of good came from it, I have a bad back because of it! Ha!

7. I would have told myself to go to seminary and get a job working in small groups and men’s ministry.

8. I would tell myself to write more.

9. I would tell myself to find a skill I want to learn and study that if seminary didn’t work out.

10. I would tell myself to forgive early and to not hold grudges ever, but show people the grace Jesus has shown me.

11. I would have memorized more jokes!

12. I would tell myself to move to Colorado as soon as you can!

14. I would have told myself to not date in highschool!

15. I would tell myself to not take myself so serious and live a more joy filled life.

16. I would tell myself to learn 3 go to magic tricks that I use everywhere I go!

17. I would tell myself to find a dream and never give up on it! Ever.

18. I would tell myself to spend more quiet time with God. And journal about what I hear God telling me.

19. I would tell myself to take my wife on more date nights and bring her more purple tulips.

So there you have it.

I couldn’t stop at five! But, it was a good exercise to pray and spend some time with God reminiscing about my life.

What five things would you tell yourself 30 years ago?

Please leave at least one thing you would tell yourself in the comment section below.

Have a great week! Please pray for our ministry. We are starting a podcast in the next month or so. I plan to use the podcast to interview people. It should be fun!
