
Heart Transformation Vs. Behavior Modification

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2

The truth of the gospel is intended to free us to love God and others with our whole heart. When we ignore this heart aspect of our faith and try to live out our religion solely as correct doctrine or ethics, our passion is crippled, or perverted, and the divorce of our soul from the heart purposes of God toward us is deepened.” (Sacred Romance.)

Over the years, it’s sometimes taken a 2×4 to my head for God …


We ended up getting 14.5 inches of snow!

It’s Sunday evening, and everyone’s in bed and I just got back from a long walk. We are anticipating 12-18 inches of snow! And I know I won’t be able to sleep much tonight. I get fired up when severe weather is eminent. The schools have already canceled and the city will most likely be shut down. I love it when this happens, feels like Christmas morning as a kid.

I remember growing up in Kansas City waiting by the radio to hear that our school made the list of cancelations.  The …

Forgiven People, Forgive People

I attended church this morning, and was reminded that hurt people, hurt people.

My wife and I have raised two girls and a boy, and young middle school kids can be, well, middle school kids, let’s just say!

We have given hours of much needed counsel and interpretation of the not so well intentioned young hearts that deliver hurtful messages. And I would always remind my girls, that hurt people, hurt people. So, have compassion on those that hurt you.

I can’t remember where I heard that phrase, but God has used the insight from it in my life for …

Dreaming with God

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9 NIV

I have been walking with God for 31 years now, and if there is one thing I’m learning, it’s that God will have His way!

His will is good and perfect for us. Thank God He knows what’s best. As I sit here thinking about all the plans I’ve made, I’m reminded of all the ways God has said yes and the times He has said, nope, Matt, that is not what I have for you…or not yet!

I’ve had many dreams over the …

Fellowship of the Heart

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:42‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I enjoy encouraging others in their walk with God. I have found that when I encourage others to walk with God, my walk is deepened and encouraged. Funny how that works.

Several years ago I actually wrote a book and self published it. It was a blast figuring out how to do all that. It was a big project.

The book discussed how my church helped people grow in their faith. Rivoting stuff, indeed! The church I attend …


To live our lives with a strengthened heart, we will have to be “aware” of a few things.

First, once God saves us, a case can be built, that our hearts in Christ, are good.

I know that is controversial, and I will build that case on another blog, but I have come to conclude that once we are saved and born again, our worthless, good for nothing, sinful hearts, are yes, good.

Strange to put it that way isn’t it? But, If our hearts are bad, why are we referred to as Saints, or sons of God, or the …

That Nagging Question All Men Have

The wounds we’ve received in life affect some people more than others. Or, what I have found, some guys just hide them better than others. We might call this posing. I’m a lousy poser, so what you see is what you get!

I have a good buddy, I know his wound, but he doesn’t want to talk about it.

On the outside, he seems like a healthy well balanced guy. He has a great job, a great family, leads things well. But, I know deep down, there is this question he has. “Do I have what it takes?”

The wound …

God’s Creation and Beauty Strengthens the Heart

Mount Holy Cross, CO

“He was born in the summer of his 27th year

Coming home to a place he’d never been before

He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again

You might say he found a key for every door.” John Denver, Rocky Mountain High

I remember like it was yesterday, driving down I-70 on our way to Denver, CO. We were in a church choir tour. I had never been west of Kansas City, MO.

We were on a tour bus and the adults were telling us we would be able to see the …

The Fourth Stream: Spiritual Warfare

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 NIV

“This, the fourth stream, may be the most neglected of all. And frankly, it may be the most critical. To live in ignorance of spiritual warfare is the most naive and dangerous thing a person can do. (Eldredge, waking the dead)

“Every story has a villain because yours does. You were born into a world at war. When Satan lost the battle against Michael and his angels, “he was hurled to …

The Third Stream: Healing and Deep Restoration

He heals up the broken-hearted, and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

Restoration reminds me of the TV shows that restore old homes back to their original glory! My wife and I love watching those shows. I even have a good friend that was the general contractor on one of those shows, and he was on HGTV!

The cool thing was I got a behind the scenes look at the show. and I even got to see the homes at the beginning stage of restoration, the middle and then the reveal at the end on TV.

And as I …